Video tutorials

No time to read? Learn more about XAML Spy with these short and to-the-point videos and animations.


XAML Spy on Channel 9
A 26 minute overview and discussion on the capabilities of XAML Spy (video is hosted on Channel9).
How to use XAML Spy
A 30 second mini tutorial demonstrating how to enable and use XAML Spy for Visual Studio.
Brush editing
Demonstrates how to edit a brush of a XAML visual using the Visual Studio property grid.
Exploring DataContext
Learn how to explore and modify the DataContext of a XAML visual in Visual Studio.
File system features
Learn about some of the unique filesystem features of XAML Spy when exploring the package and storage of a XAML app. Demonstrates how to browse the contents of assembly, ZIP and SQL Database files, and how to use backup and restore on application storage.
Manage XAML Spy for Solution
Learn how to use the Manage XAML Spy for Solution option to enable and disable XAML Spy for multiple projects at once.
Explore installed apps
Learn how to use the Show All Apps option to explore installed Silverlight and Windows Store apps.


Launch Silverlight XAP
Demonstrates how to launch a Silverlight app by selecting a XAP file from the local disk.
Attach WPF process
Learn how to use the Add App wizard to attach XAML Spy to a running WPF process.
